OPEN: Thursday - Monday 12 - 4 PM (closed Tues & Weds). Free docent tour with admission.
Welcome to the digital education world of CIMM! We hope these videos and educational information helps to bring some maritime exploration and art into your lesson plans for your students or your children. These videos are recommended for students in grades 3 to 6.
Pirates treasure hunt experience
Students, teachers, and parents are treated to a special tour of the museum while they follow two pirates looking for treasures! Students will have their own copy of the treasure map to use as the pirates guide them to discoveries throughout the museum.
Each “treasure” is an artwork with a live costumed character who brings the artwork to life, sharing a story with the pirates and their audience.
The participants must listen carefully to answer questions on the map before they can move on to the next treasure.
This is an entertaining and educational experience for all ages, children, and adults alike! Students have fun learning about World, US and California history, as the art tells its stories. After the activity, we provide a “Make Your Own Treasure Map” for kids to extend the fun to their own environment.
Students interact with museum docents in this guided activity. Looking at one of the museum’s most treasured masterpiece oil paintings, students are introduced to elements of design and basic artistry techniques (such as, shape, line, texture, horizon line, perspective).
Then they explore several other masterpiece paintings, identifying those same artistic elements, with the guidance of experienced docents.
Finally, students meet an artist who helps them to imagine that they are an artist in the field. Students are guided to make their own sketch of a seascape scene using the techniques learned.